Thursday, October 16, 2008

{Choo Choo!}

There is nothing that Isaac loves more than his trains. Today Isaac decided that our kitchen was the perfect place for his Thomas the Tank Engine train set. He brought out all of his tracks and spent hours making it just right.

He was just so cute, laughing to himself and having so much fun. Guess what he wants for Christmas? Yep, more trains!


Valerie said...

So does he like that train better than the "anti-mom" GeoTrax?

Tara said...

I would think that he'd have some favorites, but he doesn't really! He plays with the GeoTrax the most and has more of them than any other trains, but then there are the wooden Thomas trains and then this battery powered one, not to mention the tracks for each of them. It's just trains, trains, everywhere! hee, hee!

Taryn said...

I love this picture!