I was going through some pictures from my camera this morning, and I had to share these with you. For some reason whenever I put Eli on his little play gym Isaac always has to go and lay by him for a minute. It is hilarious because he just stays there as stiff as a board. What a silly big brother! Notice how focused Eli is on getting that toy? Too cute!
I may be biased, but I think I have the two cutest boys in the whole world!
David, Tara, Isaac and Eli (photo credit to Green Apple Photography for all photos of the family)
Our Boys
6 years
2 years old
Quotes by Isaac
Today Isaac dropped his glass cereal bowl into the sink. I got upset with him because we have discussed before how important it is for him to be careful with the glass dishes. He looked at me and said, "Mom, it was an askident (accident). I didn't do it on purface (purpose)." How can I be upset with him when his words are so cute? 09.08.09
Two weeks ago David and I were working together to put up a gate at the top of our stairs so that Eli couldn't fall down them. We had to mount the hardware onto the wall--into a stud. So, David got out our stud finder and we explained to Isaac that it helped us find the stud in the wall. He grabbed the tool and started rubbing it on the wall. When it beeped at him he said, "I found the Priesthood". I asked him what the tool was called and he said it was a 'stood' finder and that he found the Priesthood. 04.23.09
So, today Isaac asked me if he could have some crackers. I asked him why he wanted some. He told me, "Because I'm all empty, Mom". I asked him what was empty. He said, "I am." I asked him what happened to the food he just ate for lunch? Where did it go? He then pointed to his mouth, then pointed to his bum. Hee, hee! 02.06.09
I thought it would be fun to list a few of the funny ways that Isaac says things...Like; Mickey Mouse = Kinny Mouse, Pinocchio = Pokidohnkio, Henry (Thomas' friend) = Hengry, commercial = makercial, Isaac = Iskit, Blues Clues = Clues is clues, Shamu - Shampoo. He doesn't say a few of those anymore, but I had to list them so I don't forget. 11.30.08
In the past whenever Isaac would want to be carried he would say to us, "Carry you me". It was so cute! So, the other day Isaac asked David to "Carry me". David looked at him and said, "Don't you mean, carry you me?" Isaac replied, "No, dad you're too heavy!" It is sad that all of his funny little comments are now so grown up! 11.06.08
Today Isaac decided that he wanted to discuss what he is going to ask Santa for Christmas. He listed off some toys that we have seen recently. He had quite a long list. I looked at him and explained that while Santa does what he can, he can't always bring us every toy we want. Isaac looked at me and said, "Yes I can have all of those toys, mom. Santa will bring them in his magic bag. His big red one on his sleigh." Oh, dear. 10.15.08
Since it snowed over the weekend Isaac is convinced that it is now time for Christmas. We have been trying to exlain to him that Halloween and Thanksgiving come first, then Christmas. So, last night, right before bed, Isaac came in my room where I was folding laundry. He said, "Mom, Halloween is next, then Thanksgiving, then Christmas. Those are the three choices I want." We have been talking about choices a lot, and I guess he thought that he was making a choice. What a cutie. 10.14.08
On our way home from preschool yesterday we passed a pumpkin patch. Isaac said, "Mom, I love the pumpkin patch. Can we go there?" I told him that we would go to one soon so that we can have pumpkins to carve. He responded, "Are you kidding me? You are kidding me. You are so funny mom!" I'm not quite sure what was so funny, but I'm glad he thinks I am. 10.14.08
Yesterday when David was outside laying sod in our backyard, Isaac woke up. I told him to go look outside to see what was happening. He walked over to the window and said, "What the heck? That's crazy!" 10.05.08
Isaac recently started preschool. One day, after I had picked him up, I asked him what he had learned about that day. He replied, "We learned about the dance of the week." I thought for a minute and asked him if he meant the DAYS of the week? He said, "No mom. The dance of the week." 10.05.08
1 comment:
What cuties! I am so glad you started this blog so that I can see all of these cute pics!!
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