Sunday, October 11, 2009

{Go, Cougars!}

It's that time of year again--well, it has been that time of year again since the beginning of September, but who is keeping track? I know that I am behind, and it's killing me to know that I am over a MONTH behind. Yikes! So, David's dad has season tickets again this year to the BYU home games. Isaac has been so excited to be able to go with them. It is his special time with David while Eli and I stay home. I bought him a cute BYU shirt that is two sizes too big--hoping that it will last more than one season this time! He looks so cute and even though he doesn't really understand what is going on, he LOVES it. And so do I.

I love this picture of David and Isaac at Lavell Edwards Stadium.

Funny how Isaac posed for a picture with Lavell Edwards without his knowing...cute!

Isaac with his sign in front of the cannon that he HAD to see after the game. I'm pretty sure it's his favorite part of going to the games--hearing the cannon after each touchdown.

Messing around with the cannon.

Monday, October 5, 2009

{Making a Splash!}

HOLY COW! I can't believe I am so behind on my blogging! So much for the new computer helping out with my procrastination...UGH!

It dawned on my this morning that I hadn't posted anything about Isaac's birthday party at Cowabunga Bay on August 22nd. We had to keep pushing the date back because of the rain, but this turned out to be a great day to go. This post in going to show what a lousy mom I can be--at least in the picture-taking department. It was Isaac's party, but I only took ONE picture of him, and it was a bad one! I got several picures of Eli, however. I guess that's good. But, I didn't even take a picture of the private cabana we were in, the balloons and birthday crown that Isaac was given, or the yummy pizza, drinks and ice cream sundaes we consumed. **SIGH** We had a great time, though! Here are a few of the pictures I did take...

Grandpa Brad and Eli. Eli loved the water. He went around the lazy river with Grandpa tons of times and he didn't want to get out!

This is David and Isaac (the only picture I took of him that day).

Grandpa Brad, Eli, Dolly, Jonathan and Dylan all in the lazy river.

David and Eli going down a kids slide. David was trying to block the water from going in Eli's mouth.

I can't tell by that expression if Eli liked it or not, but David sure did! Hee, hee!