Sunday, October 11, 2009

{Go, Cougars!}

It's that time of year again--well, it has been that time of year again since the beginning of September, but who is keeping track? I know that I am behind, and it's killing me to know that I am over a MONTH behind. Yikes! So, David's dad has season tickets again this year to the BYU home games. Isaac has been so excited to be able to go with them. It is his special time with David while Eli and I stay home. I bought him a cute BYU shirt that is two sizes too big--hoping that it will last more than one season this time! He looks so cute and even though he doesn't really understand what is going on, he LOVES it. And so do I.

I love this picture of David and Isaac at Lavell Edwards Stadium.

Funny how Isaac posed for a picture with Lavell Edwards without his knowing...cute!

Isaac with his sign in front of the cannon that he HAD to see after the game. I'm pretty sure it's his favorite part of going to the games--hearing the cannon after each touchdown.

Messing around with the cannon.


Megan said...

Oh fun! I need to go to a game this year... maybe I will go to the BYU vs. U game, that ought to be an exciting game (as always).

The House that James Built said...

I think he looks so much like Jarrod...:)

what fun bonding time with dad even if it is a BYU game. go utes!