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So, this is my first tag (thanks Holly)...wish me luck!1. Where were you 10 years ago?Hmmmm...I was 21 years old and working at Bank of Utah as a teller, or maybe a New Accounts representative. Can't remember for sure. I was dating David and living at home with my mom and Juan and the boys. 2.What's on your to-do list for today?-Vacuum and dust the great room, kitchen, Isaac and Eli's rooms.
-Wrap gifts for Julie's baby shower tonight.
-Get treats together for Isaac's preschool Halloween party tomorrow.
-Do a load of laundry.
-Play trains with Isaac.
-Snuggle with Eli.
3. What if you were a billionaire?
I would use the money to finish our basement--finally. I would travel around the world with the family. I would especially love to see Italy, Ireland, Austraila and France. Maybe we could be like Brangelina and buy property abroad and live there for a portion of each year. I would probably hire a housekeeper because no matter how hard I try I never seem to have enough time to clean the house the way it ought to be. I would love to have an indoor playground in our house, but since it wouldn't fit in this one maybe we would have to buy a new house (maybe one with a finished basement so I can stop whining about our current one). I'm sick of having to slather sunscreen on my kiddos and myself only to go out and suffer in the extreme summer heat just to play for 30 minutes. It would be much more sanitary to have one in our own home instead of taking the kids to play at McDonalds or Carl's Jr during the winter, too. I would also use the money to do something really great for my dad and Rondi--not sure what, though. Hmmmm.
4. Five places you have lived:
I can beat five...
-North Salt Lake
-Salt Lake City
-Albuquerque, New Mexico
-San Juan, Puerto Rico
5. Three bad habits:
-Definitely procrastination
-I bite my cuticles. Ick.
-Talk on my cell while driving.
6. Snacks you like (love):
-Any fresh fruit
-String cheese
7. Post random picture:
(David prior to going to the OR with me for my c-section with Eli)
Now, I tag BreeAnn and Taryn! I hope you guys read this! Good luck!
On Friday evening our ward had a Trunk or Treat party for the kids and a chili cook-off for the adults (yummy). So, since David was working (as usual), I got the kids in their costumes (we'd hoped to find a BYU football player costume for Isaac, but couldn't) and took them over to the church. This is a picture of Isaac right after we got there. Notice the decorated trunks in the background? This was our first Trunk or Treat, and I felt kind of lame that I didn't have my trunk all decked out.
Isaac had so much fun! I wish I could say the same for Eli. He was a grump the entire time. It was cold outside, and I had him all bundled up, but nothing I did seemed to make him happy. Good thing the party only lasted an hour and a half. Isaac kept yelling, "This is the best Halloween EVER!" at the top of his lungs. It was so cute!
This picture is of Isaac shoving a chocolate cupcake in his face, in case you couldn't tell (hee, hee). They had a cupcake walk for the kids, but they weren't very interested, so they just let everyone take the cupcake of their choice. All in all it was a okay night for me, a GREAT one for Isaac, and misery for Eli. But, it was worth it!
On Friday, November 17th, I took the boys to the Scarecrow Festival at Thanksgiving Point. I wasn't sure how Eli would be for a whole day stuck in his stroller, but he was a little angel. We met up with my good friend, Vanessa, and her kiddos (AKA Isaac's favorite friends) Oakley, Aspen and Slade. Vanessa also brought a little boy that she watches.
It was such a beautiful day--in the 70's and very sunny. It got a little chilly once the sun went down, but it was just perfect the rest of the time.
This is Aspen, Oakley and Isaac posing while waiting in line for the train ride. It was a long wait!
The kids all got their faces painted, and Isaac wanted a ghost. Then he went around to everyone and yelled "BOO!" What a goof!
This is the train ride that Isaac insisted on riding the second he saw it. We waited in line forever before it was our turn, but it was worth it to see his excited little face!
Doesn't Isaac look like such a big boy? He loved riding this little horse all by himself.
Here he is in one of the many bounce houses that were there. Isaac, Oakley and Aspen had this one to themselves for a while and went crazy!
This is what Eli did for most of the day. He would constantly watch me and smile the second I looked at him. He ate his fingers and thumbs most of the day, too. Silly little guy!!!
There was a little house thing and a jail that the kids could go into and play in. They thought this one was pretty fun. We had a great time, and I am looking forward to taking the boys again next year! Thanks Vanessa, for inviting us and to your girls for loving Isaac and keeping him entertained the whole day!
There is nothing that Isaac loves more than his trains. Today Isaac decided that our kitchen was the perfect place for his Thomas the Tank Engine train set. He brought out all of his tracks and spent hours making it just right.
He was just so cute, laughing to himself and having so much fun. Guess what he wants for Christmas? Yep, more trains!
So, I thought I'd jump on the bandwagon and start a blog for our little family. Of course, I am not as witty nor creative as many of my friends and family who may read this blog. For that, I apologize.
This weekend David and I decided to finally install sod in our backyard. Well, I decided that it needed to be done, and David did the installing. Poor guy. Little did we know that it was supposed to rain all day on Saturday. So, with the help of my step-dad, Juan, my little brother, Caleb, and his step-brother, Jace, they got started early on Saturday morning. It was raining before we even got out of bed and it got progressively worse throughout the day. They got about halfway done before the backyard was nothing but huge puddles of mud. Good thing David has Monday off of work. Despite the rain, the areas that actually have grass look great! I am so excited to have a back yard next summer for the kiddos to play in!