Tuesday, January 12, 2010

{My Little Brothers}

I know that I haven't quite caught up on my blog postings yet--I'm getting close, though! But, I wanted to throw this post in today because I can barely contain my excitement. The older of my two youngest brothers is coming home from his mission to Cuernavaca, Mexico--TOMORROW! Holy cow, I am so excited! Whew. Zach was an awesome missionary and had a lot of success bringing new members into the Church. I'm so proud of him. So, I thought I'd share some pictures of Elder Zach Becerra in Mexico. For those who can't see the family resemblance he is half Mexican--a product of my mom's marriage to my step-dad, Juan--he's the best! You should have seen the reaction of some of Zach's friends when he introduced me as his sister years ago...um, yeah, they don't come any whiter than me. Hee, hee!

Go, Cougars!
Now for my youngest brother, Caleb (he's 13 years younger than me). He went into the MTC last Wednesday, January 6th, 2010. In a few months he will be heading to the Argentina, Buenos Aires North mission. Yeah, I know, he and Zach missed each other by a week. Luckily, their Stake President is making arrangements for Zach to have a very brief visit with Caleb at the MTC so they won't have to go a full 4 years without seeing each other. Caleb is my little buddy. He would come over just to hang out, or to help me with the boys if I had errands to run or meetings to attend for my calling as a Webelos leader. I am gonna miss having to kick him out at 10:00 so Juan wouldn't be worried about him driving home late. It was hard dragging him away from the video games. Ha, ha! Anyway, here are a few pictures of my baby brother, Caleb. I'm sure gonna miss him!


BreeAnn said...

They are both so cute! What great brothers to have!

Das and Suzanne said...

What cute brothers! I have three nephews out right now. One in Mexico, one in Germany, and the other just left for the MTC. He is going to California....spanish speaking. Love the work these missionaries do!

Megan said...

Your little brothers are so stinkin' cute. I can't believe that they're both missionaries right now, they still seem so young to me!