Sunday, May 3, 2009

{Water Boy}

I signed Isaac up for swimming lessons this year, and they began in April. We go every Tuesday and Thursday for 40 minutes. I take him to the Murray Aquatics Center--in the kids pool area. He loves it. He has been pretty good to mind his instructor and has been trying to learn all of the skills so that he can move up to the next level. It is so fun to watch him and the 3 other little 4 year old boys in his group. They are so cute. They were all really hesitant at first to put their faces in the water without plugging their noses and pretty nervous to float on their backs--even with support. Now, 4 weeks later they are doing it without hesitation, although with support from the teacher, still. Isaac has a tendency to hold his nose, but is getting better each lesson. I'm so proud of him! Here are some pictures I took at his lesson last week.

Isaac with his certificate showing that he completed the first series of classes.

Isaac, Collin and Josh with their instructor, Erika.

Isaac with his head completely underwater--see his bubbles in the center?

For the last class in the series they each had to become familiar with the use of a life jacket. The instructor pulled them around in the water and had each of them jump into the water unassisted and float on their backs unassisted. The kids thought it was great!

1 comment:

BreeAnn said...

YAY I loved swimming lessons when I was a kid!