Wednesday, May 27, 2009

{Last Day of School}

Isaac has officially finished preschool for the year. He loved every minute of it. He will be turning 5 in August and we have decided to have him do another year of preschool rather than start Kindergarten in the fall. We would rather him not be the youngest in his class. Plus, he is a highly energetic boy and very easily distracted. I feel that giving him the extra year will get him where he needs to be with his ability to focus to begin elementary. I was the youngest in my class and I hated it. I always wished my parents had held me back a year, so I feel like we are making the right decision. Anyway, here are pictures of Isaac's first day of school, and one of his last day. They had a 'Circus Day' as their last and the picture is of Isaac and his teacher, Mrs. Seegmiller.

Isaac with his Little Einsteins Rocket toy. He took it to show-and-tell his first day.

In class, playing with the toys while waiting for the other kids to arrive.

Isaac and Mrs. Seegmiller on the last day of school.

1 comment:

Valerie said...

I can't wait for summer!! Porter gets out on June 5, so another week and a half for us. Then hopefully we'll ALL be sleeping in. LOLOLOL