Tuesday, November 3, 2009

{Fire Station}

A few weeks ago I took Isaac and Eli on a playdate to a Fire Station here in Riverton. We went with several ladies from our ward and their kids. It was very cool. First, we were taught about what to do in an emergency and what to do if your house is on fire. Then, it was time to see the fire truck! Isaac was so excited! He got to go inside the fire truck, and see all of the buttons. They even turned the siren on! It was so loud--of course Isaac had his ears plugged. Silly boy!Then, all of the kids were given little fireman hats. Too, cute! Little Eli was a good little guy, checking everything out from the comfort of his stroller, drink in hand. It was a fun day.

Isaac 'chillin' on the ambulance bumper.

In front of the fire truck.

Isaac inside the fire truck.

Isaac with the firemen.

Eli looking up at me from his stroller.

Eli with his drink--enjoying watching all of the other kids.


BreeAnn said...

sounds fun! Karson would love to do that. We should do it next year!

Megan said...

Eli's hair is so cute! I love it spiked like that.