Friday, February 27, 2009


Eli has finally learned to sit all by himself. It had been driving me nuts that he had absolutely no interest in sitting! I would sit him up and he would pull his legs together and straighten them, leaving no support for his skinny bum and he would topple over. Isaac was sitting by 6 months, so I just assumed that Eli would do the same. Nope. He works at his own pace and nothing I do makes it happen any faster. Now he just needs to figure out how to go from the crawling position to sitting. It might be hard since he still doesn't crawl on his hands and knees--just his little Army crawl. I love this little boy!!

His poor little red face. Teething is making his cheeks rosy and all of the drool is making the area around his mouth chapped--not to mention he is a grump! Poor little guy.


Taryn said...

good job ELI

BreeAnn said...

ah so cute! He and Karson are in the same teething boat!

Julie Knowlton said...

Hooray for ELI!! Love him.

The House that James Built said...

he'll be running before you know it...:)