Wednesday, September 9, 2009

{It's About Time}

Well...I'm happy to report that we finally bought a new computer. After months of it not working, getting repaired, working for a week and then breaking down again--we finally have a brand spanking new computer. This will make my life much easier, and hopefully I can stay up-to-date on my blogging! Yay!


Megan said...

How exciting! I really need a new computer, too. Or maybe just a new battery & charger. If I even move an inch and bump the cord, it shuts off. So I have to remain motionless when I'm using it. Not fun.

katiekimmcdermott said...

YAY for new computers... Isn't that such a fun purchase?? Expensive- yes. But wonderful- of course!

MRSA MOM said...

even given computer problems, you are still a way better blogger that most people I know, you rock!