Tuesday, June 23, 2009

{Father's Day}

Sunday was Father's Day. My dad insisted that all he wanted to do was watch golf all day and not be bothered (said with lots of love--hee, hee!) So, David and his dad, along with David's sister, Cynthia, the boys and me all went to Little America and enjoyed their Sunday brunch. They usually have a 'special' Father's Day brunch, but they are remodeling the area that it's usually held in, so we just had their regular weekend brunch. They have a lot of similar stuff, but we missed the crepes, crab legs and prime rib. Sad. David was a little disappointed because he had been looking forward to the crepes, and we didn't know until we got there that it wouldn't be the 'special' brunch that we have been to the past few years. The food is always great, though! Later that day the boys and I gave David some gifts. Isaac picked out a tie and some nice, dressy belts for daddy to wear to church. I gave him some golf balls, tees and some household and garden tools that he has needed. He was really excited for it all! Here are some pictures of the boys with David at Little America. There are a few pictures of Eli in there, too--just because he was so cute at brunch, trying new foods and all. Happy Father's Day to all of the daddy's out there. I hope your day was wonderful!

Daddy and Isaac

Daddy and Eli

Cute little Eli

Eli--trying cantaloupe for the first time. He wasn't a fan. Too cute.


BreeAnn said...

aw so cute! Glad you guys had a good Fathers Day!

Megan said...

That's too bad Little America didn't have its regular brunch :( Glad to hear it was still a good day!